Jenny Stubbs and Libby Gleeson
And the second a symposium on children’s literature centres in Australia. Book Links, an amazing organisation, with at its head, Jenny Stubbs, organised both these events. Book Links’ aim is to establish a Children’s Literature in Queensland and Book Links hopes for this to become a reality with the assistance of the information gleaned from the speakers at the Symposium.
I have written a blog post for the Book Links website on the lecture with Libby Gleeson. For me this lecture came at the right time. For a while now, I have been fascinated by how brain development (and child development and psychology theories) influence how we write for children and how it has set the agenda on how we view picture books in particular. During my own research I hope to share more information on these topics in the future.
Look out for Book Links’ next blog post on the Sympsiom by June Perkins.