Doodle Day July – Prompt 18 – Books


Here is my second prompt for Doodle Day July.


During Doodle Day May all the prompts were provided by the fabulous Alison K Hertz, host of the doodle challenges. This time around Alison asked for prompt contributions and today is the second of my two prompts.

Books, of course there had to be a prompt about books. My dream is to see my stories and/ or illustrations in a picture book. I am working on a picture book dummy at the moment so images of books float frequently through my fantasies.

So, go ahead and doodle a book, or a couple, or a library or even a mountain of books and beware the avalanche. Doodle a book with your name on the cover. Doodle ON a book or on a page. Don’t forget bookcases and bookshelves. Get crafty and collage a doodle from some pages from a book (or better perhaps from a magazine). 

Click here if you would like more information about the Doodle Challenges and the very supportive Doodle Facebook group.

Here are some pictures to inspire you:

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